
Analyze your device's security posture

DeviceTotal identifies security threats, automatically highlights the risk, and provides risk information driving data-driven decision-making during the device’s lifetime.


Industry’s First Universal Device Security Repository

As organizations connect more devices to their networks, they struggle gaining visibility into risk and vulnerabilities. Network, security, Internet of Things (IoT), and Operational Technology (OT) devices often exist as black boxes and remote monitoring and management tools lack the ability to provide data like model and software version, creating security risks.

DeviceTotal is the industry’s first universal repository platform with all security data for devices enabling companies to assess current risks that deployed devices post and potential future risks arising from adding new devices to their networks.

Become a Partner

Automatically Identify Your Device’s Security Posture



Identify vulnerabilities for devices prior to incorporating them into the organisation’s environment



Review vulnerabilities impacting the organisation with attack surface score and risk metrics for every connected device on the network



Understand contextual risk across all devices and networks for complete view of attack surface posture



Use organisation, site, device-level business context. risk and impact to focus activities



Reduce device risk and exploitability scores with security recommendations

Who is DeviceTotal

How DeviceTotal Works?

RMM Integration

Connects with RMM tools for continuous visibility into risk when adding new devices to network


Sends risk scores, alerts, and threat activities to responsible parties with detailed information


Software-as-a-Service model requiring no instalation on devices and networks to reduce security tool proliferation

Data Normalization

Aggregates and normalizes security data, including model, series, vendor, and version for full visibility across black box devices, including network, security, IoT, and OT.

Claim Your Free Risk Analysis

Scalable Solution For Complete Visibility With Real-Time Continuous Monitoring

Prioritise Response Using Contextual Risk

Aggregated and correlated data for each device, site, and organization so security teams can prioritize responses by integrating business context, risk, and potential impact into decisions.

Take Proactive Steps with Security Recommendations

Suggestions for software updates, patches, or workarounds so security teams can take proactive steps to mitigate exploitable vulnerabilities.

Prevent Costly Outage with Non-Invasive Security Data Collection

Agentless solution without network installation or scanning to ensure security without causing costly downtime.

Understand Security Risk for Enhanced Due Diligence

Device repository containing security posture and risk information for data-driven decision making around the potential impact of new technologies prior to integrating them into environments.