
Automated license management for any data source

Prevent audit exposure and optimize software costs with swift and reliable analysis that works with your data

How it works 

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any data

Automate your analysis

let computers work for you 🚀

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Get Results

in minutes, not days 🙌

Start to optimize your IT cost and reduce risks to a minimum.
It has never been more convenient.

modular apps

Microsoft Deployment Manager

Automate license requirement analysis of Microsoft deployment data. Data-driven cost optimization for your hybrid organization.

Microsoft Entitlements Manager

Transform MLS and entitlement data into clear license inventories and compliance reports. Reduce your risks by increasing visibility.

Oracle Database Manager

Automate the analysis and determination of Oracle DB usage and license requirements. Identify cost reduction scenarios at a glance.

Oracle Java Deployment Manager

Automate the license analysis for Java and get visibility into versions, editions, and components installed and license requirements.

Oracle Middleware Manager

Automate the analysis for Middleware usage, bundling, and license requirements. More insight, more control, and less compliance risk.

Red Hat Deployment Manager

Assess and optimize RHEL subscriptions. Provides insight into subscription usage, and helps identify cost savings opportunities.

*nix Manager

Scan and collect data from Unix-based devices, and Docker and Kubernetes containers.

Infrastructure Mapper

Map infrastructure with comprehensive CPU, virtualization, and relationship details. Best decisions rely on the visibility of your hybrid IT.
IT intelligence for confident, data-driven decisions.
Make the most out of your software investments.

The Licenseware Platform

Our apps are published to an open cloud-native platform where organizations have the choice to pick and choose solutions based on what they need to solve and when.

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