Cato Networks

What is SASE?

Secure Access Service Edge, or SASE, is an enterprise networking and security category introduced by Gartner. SASE converges SD-WAN, a Cloud Network, and Security Service Edge (SSE) functions, including FWaaS, CASB, DLP, SWG, and ZTNA, into a unified, cloud-native service.

With SASE, enterprises can eliminate the effort and costs required to maintain complex and fragmented infrastructure made of point solutions, reduce the risk for breach and data loss with optimal security posture, enable secure work from anywhere, and improve access to global applications on premises and in the cloud.

The Benefits of SASE

SASE provides a single cloud-based network that connects and secures any physical, cloud, or mobile enterprise resource, in any location. A SASE architecture has four main characteristics:


User identity form the basis for risk-based access policies that also consider the user’s device posture, the sensitivity of the data or application being accessed, and the desired action. The policy seamlessly follows the user in the office, on the road, and at home to ensure consistent enforcement everywhere.


Cloud-native SASE is elastic, self-healing, and self-maintaining. Delivered as a global cloud service SASE rapidly adapts to emerging business needs and make all network and security capabilities available everywhere.

Support for
all edges

SASE delivers consistent security and optimization to any enterprise edge including on-premises and cloud data centers, branch offices, and down to a single user or device.

Globally distributed

SASE is built on an extensible global cloud network to deliver low-latency networking and security capabilities to all users and business locations.

The Key Components of SASE

Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN)

SD-WAN enables optimal WAN management. SASE leverages SD-WAN capabilities to provide optimized network routing, global connectivity, WAN and Internet security, cloud acceleration, and remote access.

Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)

A firewall is the foundation of any network security stack. SASE includes FWaaS to provide the scalability and elasticity needed for the digital business and to extend a full network security stack wherever needed.

Secure Web Gateway (SWG)

SWG protect users against malware, phishing, and other web-borne threats. SASE offers SWG protection to all users, at all locations, without the added latency of routing traffic to inspection in specific locations.

Zero-Trust Network Access

ZTNA offers a modern approach to securing application access for users. It embraces a zero-trust policy, where application access is dynamically adjusted based on user identity, location, device posture, and more. SASE

Cloud Network

The Cloud Network optimizes global routing, latency sensitive traffic such as voice and video, and cloud and on-premises application access for all sources and destinations.

Cloud Access Security Broker

CASB helps enterprises monitor the usage of SaaS applications, both sanctioned and unsanctioned (“Shadow IT”), and apply access policies based on user identity, application risk, and nature of the action and data being used.

Unified Management

SASE solves the complexity of managing multiple disparate products. A true SASE allows users to monitor and manage all network and security solutions from a single pane of glass.

How Does SASE Work?

Improving agility

With SASE using a cloud-first and thin edge design, deployment is quick and easy. Zero touch and self-service provisioning enables users and locations to be onboarded in minutes, anywhere in the world, and benefit from the cloud-delivered security and optimization capabilities.

Improving security
via unified policies

SASE provides full visibility and control across, WAN, Internet, and Cloud. Full traffic coverage ensures corporate policies apply to all edges, regardless of source and destination.

Autonomous Service 
Lifecycle Management

A cloud-native service, SASE automatically maintains optimal security posture against emerging threats, recovers from service infrastructure disruption to ensure service continuity, and can extend and scale to accommodate massive traffic loads and growing customer geographical footprints.

A Single Vendor Cloud Platform

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Point Solutions for Networking and Security are too Complex to Manage and Costly to Own
Current networking and security solutions such as VPN remote access are incompatible with the cloud-centric and mobile-first digital business. The network is rigid and static, and security is heavily fragmented across multiple domains. Together, networking and security are slowing down the business instead of enabling innovation and agility.
Cloud-native Convergence of Networking and Security enables Simplicity, Agility, and Lower Costs
Cato is delivering the world’s first SASE platform, (and has been recognized by Gartner as a “Sample Vendor” in the SASE category of the “Hype Cycle for Enterprise Networking, 2019”) through a globally distributed cloud service that provides enterprise network and security capabilities to all edges.
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What is SASE used for?

Secure access service edge (SASE) is used to deliver converged enterprise network and security services from a globally distributed cloud service. SASE overcomes the cost, complexity and rigidity of loosely integrated and geographically bound point solutions. When combined with a global private backbone, SASE can also address WAN and cloud connectivity challenges.

What is the difference between point solutions (SD-WAN, NGFW, SWG, VPN) and SASE?
Point solutions such as SD-WAN, NGFW, SWG, and VPN address specific networking and security requirements. The need to buy, size, scale, and maintain each solution separately, makes IT infrastructure complex and costly. SASE is a transformational alternative to those legacy technological silos. It provides as a globally distributed cloud service that replaces physical and virtual point solution with a cost effective, scalable and agile alternative.
What is the difference between SD-WAN and SASE?

SD-WAN is a key component of the SASE platform that connects branch locations and datacenters to the SASE cloud service. SASE extends SD-WAN to address the full WAN transformation journey that includes security, cloud, and mobility at a global scale.

Why is SASE important?

SASE is important because the convergence of network and security into a cloud-native service allows IT teams to connect and secure all business locations and users in an agile, cost-effective and scalable way.

Is SASE better than point solutions (SD-WAN, NGFW, SWG, VPN)?
As a result of the move to the cloud and an increasing mobile workforce, point solutions can only deliver the capabilities the business needs at a growing complexity and costs. SASE’s converged, cloud-native, and globally distributed architecture easily delvers the capabilities the business needs to all users and locations everywhere. SASE therefore overcomes the cost, complexity and high overhead of running numerous legacy point solutions.
Is SASE better than SD WAN?
SD-WAN is just the first step in the WAN transformation journey. It lacks key security functions, global connectivity capabilities, and support for cloud resources and mobile users. A full SASE platform can support the entire WAN transformation journey, as it enables IT to provide the network and security functions the business needs in an agile and cost-effective way.
How secure is SASE?

SASE is secured end-to-end. All communication across the SASE platform is encrypted. Threat prevention capabilities including decryption, firewalling, URL filtering, anti-malware, and IPS are natively integrated into SASE, and are globally available to all connected edges.

What is not a SASE?

SASE is a cloud service that is identity-driven, cloud-native, globally distributed, and supports all edges. Alternative architectures, such as service chaining appliances, hosting appliances and virtual machines, and telco bundles, are based on point solutions not a converged software stack designed for the cloud.

Cato Networks
Global Partner Program

Cato’s Partner Community

The Cato Networks channel community is the fastest-growing SASE channel ecosystem in the world. Cato introduces the ultimate converged network and security platform with Cato SASE Cloud.

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